Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Financial Planning

Does Financial Planning Really Work?

If financial planning worked, than why are so many people out living their money?
Financial Planning has many flaws that are not talked about within the financial industry. These flaws are very important to understand, since they can cost you millions of dollars over your lifetime, if you are not careful.
As you focus on achieving your financial freedom you only have one shot at doing it right. No one will tell you whether what you are doing is wrong because they either don't know or they have a hidden agenda. The financial institutions, financial planning and their representatives have a hidden agenda, which is to follow these four simple rules
1. They must get your money!
2. They must get your money on a systematic basis...
3. Hold on to it as long as possible...
4. And give it back as little as possible...
If they violate these simple rules they are out of business...
Let me ask you a few questions...
Do you think the financial institutions and their representatives have your best interest at heart? Do you think that they care about your financial freedom and when you want to achieve it? And further more if you never achieve financial independence thru financial planning do you think that they care?
You and I know that all the answers to the above questions are no. So why would you want to listen to people who don't care?
I realize that this is harsh but I want to get your attention... I want to let you know there is a better way. Have you ever read any of the books written by Robert Kiyosaki, "Rich Dad Poor Dad", "Cash Flow Quadrant", "Rich Dads Prophecy", etc. In all of his books he mentions that financial planners, financial planning systems, and financial advisors do not have the tools to educate you on how to achieve financial independence. In most cases they don't know themselves!

Financial Independence

Let's call financial freedom, Financial Independence...because as long as we have a medium of exchange, money, we can never be free, but we can be independent...
The only way to achieve financial independence is to make sure that the path you are taking has no potholes in your way. You need a smooth path and to make sure that this is the case you will have to see it first. Let's call the potholes economic inefficiencies. You will need to see where they are fist and remove them otherwise the financial institutions will win and you will lose.
These financial inefficiencies have to be removed and the only way that they can be removed is to identify them and see how harmful they are. This is done through Economic models. A basic model of your financial world that shows you where the flaws are.

Financial Models
What are they and why are they so important?
Architects build models of buildings before they build the building, shipbuilders build models of ships before they spend the money to build the actual ship, Aircraft manufactures build models of planes before they build the actual plane.
Why do they do this?
Because when large sums of money is at stake models are built to make sure that everything is verifiable and works. In approaching your financial independence you will be spending large sums of money, so you want to make sure that everything you do is verifiable and works. You want to make sure that you are highly economically efficient and that there are no mistakes.
Just like the model builders, you want your model to be perfect before you embark on your journey of financial independence.

Economic Models

Economic Models are the only way to make sure that your path to financial independence is efficient and free of any problems that can erode away your wealth. Without a perfect financial/economic model you run the risk of making costly financial mistakes.
When an economic model is built, of your financial world you can see first hand what you need to correct, so that you are able to achieve financial independence quicker without mistakes.
With our economic models our clients are able to simulate their financial future and see what it looks like before it occurs... Once our clients are able to see a model of their economic future they then have a clear understanding of what to expect. When the path to financial independence is seen and felt the only thing left is to just let it happen...

Personal Economic Coach

Personal Economic Coach™ (PEC) has replaced financial planners, and financial advisors methods for preparing for your financial future. Through this new revolutionary process consumers are now able to simulate their financial future, seeing the results before they happen. Not having to rely on advisors opinions and unverifiable information, results are predictable and real.
Through PEC everything is verifiable and provable. What does this mean? Everything that is shown and predicted has to be verifiable. There can be no guessing or opinions, everything has to be provable otherwise it is not part of the model. Too many times guessing becomes the backbone of a financial plan and then the results never happen. Guessing is reduced to accurate guesswork with verification of all statements, backed by proof.
Consumers need to know that what they are doing is right, and not have to wait until it is too late and suffer the losses without time to recover. People need hope... you work too hard for your money and don't need to lose it to bad planning and faulty information. Our Personal Economic Coaching Process will give you the peace of mind that you desire and deserve.

Life and Financial Imaging
Through our copyrighted process we are able to build a model of your life based on your wants and dreams, thus allowing your life to have a schemetic of what you will do through your lifetime. It is a know fact that you will achieve what you dream and think about so with Life and Financial Imaging you now have direction that is planned out into your future.
We have learned that most people have no Life's Plan and by creating one then we can simulate the events that they want to achieve before they happen and let them know what they feel like and experience them beforehand. We do things in life based on feelings and unless you know what it feels like to perform various wealth creation tasks then you probably will not know when they present themselves. We want clients to experience them before they happen so they will know when they present themselves.
Like anything without a plan there is no direction and with a plan achievement becomes a normal course of action. Clients end up with two model, one macro, holistic economic model and a macro, holistic Life's Model. Now they can see everything before it happens and the path they will travel. Efficiency becomes one of the primary focuses along with the knowledge of where they are going.

Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor
Personal Economic Coach
Highview Management, Ltd.
475 Little Conestoga Road
Downingtown, Pa 19335
Phone (610) 280-7000  Fax (610) 628-3358
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