Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Email Marketing: Autoresponders

How Autoresponders Can Make You More Money

I realize that there may be a wide variety of reasons for why you
haven't taken me up on this offer.

When you think about it... some of those reasons may be the same
for why people aren't buying from you.

Maybe they just got busy and forgot about your offer.
Maybe they lost your information.
Maybe they had to go out of town.
Maybe there was an illness in the family.

How many sales did you lose in the past week because the customer
didn't order from you right away?

When they don't order right away, can they just forget about you
and your offer?

If you don't have an effective follow up system in place, you are
losing valuable customers and sales!

Some sales leads just don't become sales as quick as we would like
them to. That's no reason to let them forget about you!

And it's no reason for you to forget about them!

Research indicates that it takes an average of 7 contacts to close
a sale... SEVEN! If you are not following up with each of your prospects,
you are leaving sales out there for your competition to grab!

When they forget about you... they head straight to your competitors!

And believe me... if your competitors aren't using Autoresponder Technology
now, they will be soon.

TrafficWave.net Autoresponders let you send PERSONALIZED follow-up messages
to an unlimited number of prospects. You don't have to spend any time sending
the messages. Once you have them set up in your account, the messages are
sent out WHEN you say to EVERYONE that requests them.

TrafficWave.net Autoresponders can help you:

* Save Time
* Save Money
* Increase Sales
* Build Credibility
* Boost Cash Flow
* Improve Customer Service
* And Much More...

Don't let valuable leads slip away to the competition! Keep your message
in front of them with TrafficWave.net Autoresponders!

Try our system for a FULL 30 DAYS absolutely FREE.

Go to http://www.trafficwave.net/members/808ebiz  for full details!


Al Gonzales

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