Monday, October 13, 2008

Can You Stop This Economic Crisis?

How Will This Economic Crisis Affect You And Can You Stop it?

Many are asking this question and are getting answers that are confusing, illogical, and sometimes downright stupid. We are in an economic crisis and there is little doubt about that. Only anyone that has been on the spaceship Enterprise, lost in space for the forty twenty years would question this.

This economic crisis was caused by lack of regulation, fraud, and outright stupidity. There is that word, stupid again! When the dust settles you will see that even the most highly educated economists, who think they know what to do are doing things that are illogical.

When an individual [Citizens] hear that the leaders of our country are asking for 700 billion dollars they ask intelligent questions, Why? This makes no sense! This is like bailing out an out of control child. Would you throw more money at a child that is totally irresponsible and out of control financially? NO, so why would we do this on such a grand scale. You would go to the cause of the problem and fix it.

To understand this crisis reduce it down to a common denominator, your life and disregard the high-fluting economic language. Translate what congress is trying to do, down to your individual family life. Would you bail out a spoiled child? This particular economic crisis is simply a family matter and requires each individual person to take care of their family.

Congress and Wall Street is the out of control child, and they need to be dealt with in a positive severe way. The Federal Government [Police] will take care of the Wall Street crooks, but you need to take care of your Congress people and Senators. They are your family and need to be sent to "Time Out". You should vote them out of office and send the total Congress a message that what they did is wrong. Many voted to spend 700 billion against the public's wishes. They need to go! The ones that did what they were told should be put on notice!

Now will the crisis affect you, yes? You will need to circle the wagons around your wealth and decide what is a good expense and what is a bad expense. Get focused and back to basics to increase income. Make sure that you are not over extended and that you have control of your money. Keep your money out of markets unless you are a sophisticated investor [If you don't understand that term look it up.] You should embark on a quest to get financial education and look for mentors to back you up. Be prepared because this is the first wave.

The markets have lost value and no one; even the Government knows how to correct the problem, since there are no economic models to follow to assist the people trying to figure it out. They are flying blind in the clouds! The people, who are trying to solve the problem, are just throwing money at the problem in hopes that the problem will go away. It will not!

If it gets worse more fraud will surface and more people will be seen at the root cause of the problem. The problems will end up in the laps of the politicians, including the Executive Branch of our Government. When things get tough, new problems surface. Again with no case study as a guide to follow, everyone is shooting in the dark.

The Second Wave

The second wave will be coming soon and no one is looking at it. This second wave is the "Baby Boomers" who have not yet begun to impact the economy. When the BB's begin to draw Social Security, [They majority will not wait until age 66 to begin to draw they will draw their SS early.] and then sell their homes to move to warmer climates they will impact the financial drain on the treasury like never before.

The "Baby Boomer's" will drain down the treasury quickly and cause the United States to borrow more money to pay bills. [The 700 billion is all borrowed money.] When the BB's decide to sell their homes there are not enough young people to buy the homes so who will they sell to? If they can't sell their homes and the mortgage is to high then they will just abandon their home. Remember they just lost a huge chunk of their retirement in the last several weeks. Who will pick up the slack? When they walk away from their home, who will bail them out? Where will the money come from?

There are 75 million BB's that will impact the economy and they will cause taxes to go up and more levy's on the young. How do you deal with it? Put your money in Gold, Collectables, Whole Life Insurance, and any other instruments that are inflation friendly. Keep your money away from markets except the supermarkets but buy groceries prudently. Focus on building a home business and taking control of your financial destiny but don't fall for the hype of failed business models that will only take your money.

Is there a silver lining? Everyone wants to have a "Happily ever after ending or future scenario" but that will only happen when you take back control of your family [Congress] and kick the Politicians out of office, replace them with people who will listen to you. This is a process and will not happen over night, but your focus is to get rid of the people who are supposed to be representing you but are only representing their own self interest. Also vote for a President that will not turn our economy into a Socialistic Economy. For you to become successful you will want to continue a Capitalistic Economy.


Now for the final solution. We need to get off foreign oil and stop sending our capital off shore. We send over 500 billion dollars per year to foreign countries who don't like us. Whenever we have an increase in our life style the price of oil goes up and the foreign countries suck out the profit from our economy. We need to keep the money within our borders, since it does us no good when it goes overseas. Every time we lose control of our money in our borders we have to either print more money or borrow from the same sources that took it out of the country. Go to www.PickensPlan and read about how to stop foreign countries from sucking out our wealth. I mean read it and watch the videos and join T. Boone Pickens Army to fix the problem. The solution is in your hands and will affect you in a negative way if you do nothing, and a positive way if you take action.

Thanks for reading

Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell

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