Thursday, January 15, 2009



Trivita's Cooperative Marketing allows Building a Real, Long Term, Residual Income that will pay you for years to come!

The Only Company That Allows You To Purchase Paying Customers vs Recruiting Them!

Trivita's company philosophy -"Systems build the business and people run the systems" is embraced the Trivita's unique 21st century Cooperative Marketing Business Model.

Trivita spends millions each year advertising its products on television, radio, in print and on the Web, acquiring thousands of new customers every month.

Business associates like myself can purchase these customers and share in the profits of their future product purchases for life, hence the term "Cooperative Marketing"

Trivita Cooperative Marketing Highlights:

Receive Customers Directly from Trivita - The number one most important thing to any business is customers... and a lot of them! You and your downline can buy up to 100 customers per month directly from Trivita. This is HUGE! Image the income possibilities of having even a small downline that buys customers every month that end up falling into your pay line. You and your downline will make money from the commissions paid on these customers every month. If you're downline is making money every month... why exactly would anyone of them ever quit Trivita?

Extremely High Downline Retention Rates - When You Become A Trivita Business affiliate - you decide how many customers you want to start your business off with. From the start of your business, you're making money. The same applies to your business associates. If you and your downline members are making money every month, no one quits! Forget about people quiting your business opportunity - the number one biggest problem with traditional network marketing business opportunities. NOW GET THIS... even if you do have some members quit over time (they would be crazy to), you would then inherit ALL of their customers! No Need to Constantly Recruit to Make Money - You can purchase up to 100 product buying Customers per month directly from Trivita's marketing on your behalf. You get life-time commission rights to all your customers. Trivita constantly markets (emails, postcards etc.) to your customers on your behalf to get them to buy other products and to upgrade to become an "Affiliate" or "Business Affiliate" (downline member).

Excellent Marketing and Training Support - Want to take it to the next level? Between Trivita and our Team, which is the fastest growing team in Trivita, you will get the best support in the industry! Learn how we have people contacting us instead of having to chase business prospects, by using today's most effective marketing systems Best Compensation Plan in the Industry - Trivita has an awesome compensation plan. It's highly lucrative, offering several income streams. It's simple to understand. Your eyes won't glaze over trying to understand how you make money. Best Wellness Products in the Industry - When a company has 2 million customers and only 5,000 sales reps, you know you have great product. Trivita has an extremely high customer retention rate.

Excellent Sales Rep to Customer Ratio - This one is HUGE! The average Network Marketing/mlm business has 400 to 1000+ sales reps to every 1 customer... and most of the customers they do have used to be down line members that quit the business opportunity, but continued to purchase products. That's absurd! Trivita has 400 pure customers to every 1 sales rep!

Raymond C. Hausler & Brian Scott (my son)

Business Owners - 13204337

702 378 7186

Founders of TriVita101TEAM & TriVita101HEALTH



7500 W. Lake Mead Blvd, Suite 9-172

Las Vegas, NV 89128


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