Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Advita Energy Medicine

Advita Energy Medicine


Today's topics:

* Energy Medicine - 1 messages, 1 author
* Parasites Cause Obesity - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Energy Medicine

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 4 2009 2:24 pm
From: "Butch Hamilton-SEO Master" 

Dr. Ria Gilday, prominent Energy Medicine expert, has developed a worldwide
following in her quest to assist others in living a more full and productive
life through the consistent use of hologram energy bands and discs. Dr. Ria
is consistently researching and unlocking the secrets of biophotons, and
their importance and effectiveness in her pursuit of this mission.

The hologram bands and discs that have been created by Dr. Ria, are being
seen as 21st century technology that is consistently delivering positive
results for individuals seeking pain relief, stress reduction, better and
deeper sleep, as well better mental clarity and focus. These "patent
pending" energy bands an disc make no medicine claims of instant health and
healing; however, the testimonials that are coming into the Advita Energy
For Life corporate offices, located in Wilmington, Delaware, are proof that
there is validity in using the bands. Advita Energy opened for business in
September 2008.

Advita Energy has chosen Network Marketing to market these unique products,
realizing word of mouth is  the most effective way to introduce this
technology to the world. The very nature of the product makes worldwide
distribution very easy.

In February 2009 Advita will be releasing a product system that will prove
to be their Worldwide Signature Product System. This system is a two band
system that, on the surface, appears to be a weight loss system. However,
weight loss is simply an added benefit. At the time of this printing, the
system does not have a official name because of the challenge of describing
in one or two words the huge number of benefits a person will realize.

The AMA has stated that inflammation is the root cause of obesity, diabetes,
arthritis, cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, autoimmune conditions, and
aging. By addressing the importance of balancing all the endocrine systems,
the cause of all inflammation is being addressed. This two band system will
address appetite control, sugar cravings, carbohydrate cravings, increasing
fat burning metabolism, elimination of body toxins and parasites, improving
mood and decreasing stress, and increasing energy. More importantly, it will
address balancing every endocrine system in the body. This includes the
Thyroid, Hyperthyroid, Adrenal, Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pancreas, Pineal
Body, and Reproductive Glands.

For more information contact Phil Lunde by phone at 843-651-4834 or email at
pl-sales@usa.com or Sam Jones DVM by phone at 434-799-2721 or email at
samjonesdvm@gmail.com .

Phil and Sam are in partnership with April Elias and Butch Hamilton. Butch
is recognized as one of the top SEO professionals in the world


TOPIC: Parasites Cause Obesity

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 8:48 pm
From: "Butch Hamilton-SEO Master" 

Dr. Ria Gilday, prominent Energy Medicine expert, has developed a worldwide
following in her quest to assist others in living a more full and productive
life through the consistent use of hologram energy bands and discs.  Dr. Ria
is constantly researching and unlocking energy medicine secrets through her
intensive research and analysis.

The new energy bands that she has created are a two band set.  They are
comprised of endocrine energy stabilizer and the weight stabilizer bands.
These lightweight bands are hardly noticeable to wear, and serve to act as a
natural and effective way to kill the bad parasites within the body, while
keeping the good parasites in place.

There is currently nothing on Google like this in terms of effectiveness,
simplicity of use and the ability to lose inches normally and naturally
without dieting or straining.  Testimonials are coming consistently in at
Advita Energy as to the effectiveness that users are seeing.  The weight
loss comes slowly and naturally, as the way it should.  Possibly
experiencing feeling thinner will be the first indication in using the
Advita Energy Bands.

For a PDF about the newest product in Advita Energy, go to:

To order the bands, go to:  http://advitaenergypro.com


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