Monday, July 7, 2008

Herbalife International History

Herbalife International History

Herbalife International

Herbalife International, of Inglewood, California, markets weight-control products, dietary supplements, and personal-care products. The company was founded in 1980 by 24-year-old Mark Hughes, who states he was inspired by his mother's unsuccessful struggle to control her weight with amphetamines. However, this claim was contradicted by an autopsy report which indicyated that she had died of an overdose of Darvon, a painkiller that is a controlled dcontradicted by her autopsy. It indicates she died of an overdose of Darvon, a painkiller classsified as a narcotic.

Herbalife's 1993 retail sales totaled $247 million in the United States and $693 million worldwide. Its principal products are Formula #1 (a meal-replacement protein drink mix), Formula #2 (an herbal tablet), Formula #3 (a multivitamin/mineral tablet), and Thermojetics, a weight-control system that includes herbal tablets. The numbered formula products were originally marketed as components of Herbalife's Slim and Trim Program. Today the program is called Herbalife Cellular Nutrition Health and Weight Management System, and some of the ingredients are different.

Hughes dropped out of high school after ninth grade and wound up in legal difficulty that resulted in his staying for three years at a residential school for troubled youngsters. When he was nineteen, his mother died of a drug overdose. According to a 1985 issue of the Herbalife Journal:

Mark became aware of the need for a safe, effective way to lose weight . . . when his mother died as a direct result of following years of unwise dieting practices. This event left him with a vital interest in nutrition and a fervent desire to find a product that would enhance and build health while allowing an individual to take weight off sensibly and safely. . . .

During his search, he had met Richard Marconi, Ph.D., with whom he shared his dream. After a lot of research and testing, Herbalife Slim and Trim was born.

Herbalife's initial marketing included lengthy cable television programs that were filled with financial and health-related testimonials. Sales were also promoted with buttons and bumper stickers that said "Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How."

Herbalife International leads the MLM industry as one of the leaders in teaching people how to become wealthy in a work from home business.

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