Monday, April 28, 2008

A Patient's Story


This month instead of me writing an article, I chose to tell you a story that a patient shared with me that truly inspired me.  Some of you may be able to relate to this story and I hope it motivates you as it did me.


"It all started in Dec. 1999.  I started to develop back problems after sitting on the floor at work for 7 hours painting a mural.  When I got up my back hurt, but I ignored it and believed it was just cramped from sitting in that position so long.  The back pain did not go away and it escalated to the point that I had to go see my doctor, who referred me to an orthopedic group.  The orthopedic doctor performed x- rays of my back and saw that the spinal cord was constricted with two vertebrae tipped inward.  He prescribed medication.  This worked at first, but it progressed to severe pain.  I was then sent for physical therapy, which did not help and seemed to make it worse.  I was then sent for acupuncture and still my back got worse.  By October 2001 I was no longer able to work.  I then went tot eh University of Pennsylvania, of which I underwent epidural shots to my spine for pain management.  This too failed and I ended up getting surgery by January 3, 2001.  Pieces were taken from my hip bone to expand the vertebra and then the vertebra were realigned and fused. 


Ten months after the surgery my day was full of challenges.  I had to use a walker when I first got our to bend.  I had severe pain and tingling and numbness down into my foot with severe nerve pain into the hip and lower back.  Getting dressed was a painful problem.  After I was on my feet a few hours, I could get a little bit done.  Then by noon my back started to seriously deteriorate.  As the pain intensified, I lost the ability to walk and sit upright.  I was then reduced to sitting in a chair that has a board in the back in a partially reclined position to enable me t get some to he weight off my spine.  After the pain would get too intense, from sitting, I had to go back to bed. If I had to get up for any reason, I had to use a walker again or crutches.  My husband would usually have to cook and bring me dinner in bed. 


By Sept. 2001, the surgeon informed me that no more could be done for me surgically, and he referred me to a neurologist.  The neurologist saw indications of nerve damage and muscle weakness.  His only solution was pain medications such as Percocet or other narcotics.


In November 2001, my daughter suggested that I go to Dr. Evans for chiropractic treatment.  I was very despondent and I did not believe that after all the treatments I had had that it would be effective.  After a month or so, she finally convinced me to try chiropractic.  After 3 or 4 treatments I found that there was a change.  Within a month, I was no longer using the walker to get out of bed.  I was no longer on crutches after 3:00pm.  I had times during the day that were free from pain.  My endurance started to improve and the amount of time that I spent in a reclining chair or in bed decreased substantially.  I still have some pain after bending over the sink for long periods, but it is not nearly as bad as it was before.


Now in January 2002, I am able to drive and attend places without having to drag my husband along as a chauffer.  I am no longer crawling around on the floor in extreme pain at the end of the day because I cannot stand up and support my weight.  Recently I found that I was able to get up off the floor and bring myself t a standing position without using my hands for support.  These are major improvements.  When I lay down to go to bed at night I still have pain, but it only takes minutes before I am able to get comfortable.  I feel my quality of life has improved remarkably an I am optimistic that if I can continue with adjustments, and now do more physical exercise to improve my muscle tone, I will be able to recover a lmost completely.  Just two months prior, I could not have dreamed of feeling this good so fast.  Not only has Dr. Evans helped me with my back, hip and foot problems, but I also had problems with my shoulder and lack of mobility and pain in both my wrists and thumbs.  I was told that it was arthritis and carpel tunnel syndrome.  After Dr. Evans examined me, he found that my wrists were out of joint.  He then proceeded to adjust my wrists also.  I can now move my wrist and hook clothing behind my back, loosen tops of bottles, and do other things I could not do before. 


I want to thank Dr. Evans and their team for dramatically improved health, and I am grateful for their support."



Peace, Love, Light and Gratitude

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