Monday, April 28, 2008


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition of the wrist which causes symptoms of pain in the hands and fingers and also can be accompanied by numbness.  The carpal tunnel is formed by the bones in the wrist.  There is a large nerve(median nerve) tendons and blood vessels that pass through this tunnel.

One of the main courses of action that should be taken before diagnosis is made is to rule out the neck as the major cause of the symptoms.  The median nerve travels from your wrist to the elbow, through the shoulder to the neck and finally to the spinal cord.  Problems can  occur anywhere along this nerve and present with the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

A Chiropractors job is to locate the interference in the nervous system and to reduce that interference with specific, gentle, and relaxing Chiropractic adjustments.  Many times the blockage causing the symptoms of carpal tunnel come from the neck region or the problems may come from the wrist or the elbow.  In either case there are specific adjustments that may be given to those areas to help reduce the nerve irritation, thus in turn reducing the pain and discomfort.

Chiropractors have had great success in helping those who suffer with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  A conservative approach can many times be the answer without the need for drugs or surgery.


Drs. Evans have successful practice in Bordentown, NJ where they have help many that suffer with carpal tunnel syndrome as well as many other health conditions.  If you have any questions feel free to contact them for a consultation at 298-4299.  They are striving to help make their community a much healthier place.

Peace, Love, Light and Gratitude

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