IGB Is a unique home based business opportunity model. IGB creator and CEO of Innetekk Tom Prendergast is always thinking of ways to help the little guy and gal marketers. With the training in place for each IGB member Tom Prendergast is putting together a marketing team like no other.
Unlike the traditional MLM opportunities you see all over the Internet promising you instant success with little or no work involved. Make $250,000 your first year guaranteed, give me a break if this was true we would all be millionaires. This unique home based business opportunity is just the opposite, promoted as a get rich slow business.
IGB members understand that this unique home based business opportunity model does require hard work and a laser focused commitment. Long term not short term is the answer, but most marketers just don`t understand that in order to succeed you need to change your thinking.
It is possible if you have a huge list of people you can influence because they trust you that this unique home based business opportunity can produce income in 30 days. If however you are one of those marketers who has no contact list, this unique home based business opportunity can and will work for you if you are consistent and patient.
Look what makes IGB a unique home based business opportunity, not your traditional MLM business model you don`t have to personally sponsor anyone. If you are like most of today's marketers and are sick of buying leads and making all those phone calls you no longer will have to do that, if you qualify to be an IGB member.
The founder of this unique home based business opportunity has implemented the No One Gets Left Behind strategy. A system that fills down line positions continuously from left to right eliminating the failure rate. This is not a FREE ride you will be expected to learn a specific marketing strategy and be held accountable by other IGB members.
Now what really makes IGB a unique home based business opportunity is all members work together to drive tons of traffic to ItsGoodBusiness.net. By working as one team with the same goal, all members benefit from each others efforts.
IGB members love that all they have to do is buy customers Not leads to build their unique home based business.
Jack Shea
Its Good Business
Future SEO Master
Skype jmshea2
509-301-1079 http://808ebiz.com
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