The herb Panax ginseng has an ancient reputation as a healthful "tonic." According to a more modern concept developed in the former USSR, ginseng functions as an "adaptogen." This term is defined as follows: an adaptogen helps the body adapt to stresses of various kinds, whether heat, cold, exertion, trauma, sleep deprivation, toxic exposure, radiation, infection, or psychological stress. In addition, an adaptogen causes no side effects, is effective in treating a wide variety of illnesses, and helps return an organism toward balance no matter what may have gone wrong.
Several studies have found that ginseng can improve the overall sense of well-being. For example, such benefits were seen in a 12-week, double-blind trial that evaluated the effects of Panax ginseng extract in 625 people.1 The average age of participants was just under 40 years old. Each participant received a multivitamin supplement daily, but for one set of participants, the multivitamin also contained ginseng. Level of well-being was measured by a set of 11 questions. The results showed that people taking the ginseng-containing supplement reported significant improvement compared to those taking the supplement without ginseng.
Similarly positive findings were reported in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 36 people newly diagnosed with diabetes.2 After 8 weeks, participants who had been taking 200 mg of ginseng daily reported improvements in mood, well-being, vigor, and psychophysical performance that were significant compared to the reports of control participants.
A 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 120 people found that ginseng improved general well-being among women aged 30 to 60 years and men aged 40 to 60 years, but not among men aged 30 to 39 years.3 This finding is possibly consistent with the traditional theory that ginseng is more effective for older people. Other results suggest this as well: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 30 young people found marginal benefits at most.
2. Energy Drinks
In just one 1-ounce serving, Adaptogen Plus delivers:
These ancient plant extracts survive cold, harsh regions in Russia and Asia and have been used for centuries by some of the healthiest people on the planet. Adaptogens are renowned for their ability to help improve performance, assist the body in coping with stress, and protecting our cells from damage by viruses and illness. Adaptogen Plus has 10 various plant and herbal extracts with adaptogenic qualities, each one chosen for its ability to help the body "adapt" to stress and stressful situations quickly and efficiently. TriVita uses the original co-extraction process that was developed in Russia in the 1940s, and our suppliers use similiar equipment that was used to process the first identified adaptogens. This boosts our quality and assures the adaptogens in Adaptogen Plus are pure and of the best quality available.
Dark-colored berries have been scientifically proven to contain compounds that help the body stay healthy and prevent damage from free radicals. Free radicals are a normal side effect of oxidation in the body, but when there are too many free radicals our cells go under attack and may not function as well. Our immune systems can suffer, and we can become sick more frequently. Adaptogen Plus contains OptiBerry®, a proprietary blend of antioxidants extracted from berries and other prime sources of antioxidants. OptiBerry is well-recognized in the nutraceutical field for its documented health benefits and high manufacturing standards.
Known since the days of Cleopatra for its healing powers and ability to improve digestion, aloe vera gel is the base of Adaptogen Plus. Vitamins and nutrients delivered in an aloe vera base have been shown to be easier for the body to absorb than if they were in a water base.
3. Energy Drinks
TriVita's unique, liquid nutrition supplement Adaptogen Plus complements the healthy living steps you'll be working on throughout your 10 Day Wellness Journey. Adaptogen Plus is a delicious blend of three powerful ingredients to help your body ward off the negative effects of stress and give your body the support it needs to get through the day, every day! It contains no artificial stimulants; instead, it is formulated with all natural ingredients to give you calm, sustained energy.
4. Energy Drinks
The fact is, in today's busy world we don't always get the nourishment our bodies need. Our bodies need nourishment in order to keep our cells young, healthy and able to fight off illness, stress and disease. Without proper nourishment, our bodies enter a stress mode—always running to keep up with the demands we put on it as we go throughout or hectic days. TriVita's new Adaptogen Plus fortifies every cell and helps us fight off the damages brought on by stress. It delivers powerful ingredients that support and adapt to each of our bodies' specific needs.
Adaptogen Plus possesses potent antioxidant properties that may help maintain intestinal health, strengthen your immune system, neutralize free radicals and increase mental clarity.
To Learn More About Adaptogen Plus Energy Drink CLICK HERE:
Al Gonzales-2 Star Director Trivita (Adaptogen Plus by Trivita)
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