Trivita Adaptogen Plus
By Brazos Minshew
Adaptogen Plus can have a profound effect on how you feel, and that's because our formulation is designed to adapt to exactly what your body needs in order to work at its best. In fact, you will probably begin to feel the effects of Adaptogen Plus at the moment you take the liquid into your mouth and it comes into contact with the cells there. How is this possible? How is that many people who take Adaptogen Plus report feeling a pleasant "tingling" sensation at the back of their head or neck after they swallow Adaptogen Plus? The answer lies in the power of our own circulatory system.
The circulatory system is more than just a heart pumping blood, although that is a significant contributor to nutrient delivery and waste disposal. It's an intricate network of blood vessels and capillaries, and the interconnection of the blood, our cells, and the lymphatic system.
Eventually your blood vessels narrow down to the capillaries. A capillary is very small – about three microns in diameter. By comparison, a red blood cell is seven microns in diameter. The red blood cell has to fold and squeezes like a sponge in order to get through the capillary. It is here that the nutrients are squeezed out of the blood cell and into the lymphatic system through vents in the blood vessel. The blood cell unfolds as it exits the capillary and, like a sponge, draws waste from the lymph system with it. Later, that waste will be cleansed from the cell by the kidneys, liver and lungs. The lymph system is a secondary circulatory system that actually bathes the individual cells of our body with nutrients, hormones, enzymes and other substances. It also accepts the waste and hormones and proteins and other substances from the cell and carries them to the venous system for distribution around the body. The heart and blood vessels themselves pump the blood. When we breathe, our lungs and other muscle contractions pump the lymph fluid.
Between the blood stream and lymphatic system, all but one type of cell is nourished and cared for. The cells that are not nourished and detoxified through this system are nerve cells.
Nerve cells are nourished by a special fluid called Cerebral – Spinal fluid (CSF). This fluid is made from blood and lymph in the brain and is pumped through a series of six chambers, called ventricles. The posterior ventricles pump CSF from the back of the head out to every nerve in your body. The "pulse" of the ventricles contract about eight times per minute. Nutrients are carried out to the nerves (which are living tissue), and waste is carried back to be reabsorbed into the blood and lymph systems inside the skull.
The CSF system has its own make-up, different from blood and lymph, which allows it to do a special job of nourishing the nerves. If the CSF is 'anemic'-- that is, if it does not contain an abundance of nourishment-- the nerves themselves will be weak. Have you ever tried running in water? In an anemic condition of malnourished nerves, the simple act of moving feels as if a person was moving through water or syrup: every movement is laborious. A person's hands might tremble; their gait may be unsteady and uncoordinated. There is actually a medical diagnosis for this condition called neurasthenia, meaning "weak nerves." However, if the nutrients in the CSF are at high levels you feel like Superman! Every movement is a ballet with little or no effort required.
The sensation you feel when you take Adaptogen Plus is a rush of oxygen across the blood-brain barrier and an invigoration of the pumping action of the ventricles. First, you may feel this sensation in the front of the head where anterior ventricles are active. These are small chambers and are not as immediately noticeable for most people – especially as we age. However, when the large ventricles at the back of the skull begin to pump you will feel it. This is usually sensed as a contraction or dull sense of movement that is felt within seconds of taking the supplement. That is the tingling sensation.
I urge you to try Adaptogen Plus today! It's safe, totally non-toxic and can make a great change in your overall wellness. It also tastes delicious, so everyone in the house will enjoy taking it. Nourish your body and help it perform at its optimal levels.
For More Information CLICK HERE:
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