Interactive Web Conferencing: Updates
Major Vereconference™ Interactive Web Conferencing Services Upgrades!!!
More Effective... More Results...
More Effective... More Results...
We have made some major changes and enhancements to Vereconference™. Come see us tonight as we reveal what continues to make Vereconference™ the leading provider of online live audio video conference systems.
Why Did we build it?
With God anything is possible!
Some people ask me how I did it. But most of you wonder why did I do it. Why did I spend more than 12 years of my life working 20+ hours a day to build Veretekk? I ask myself this question everyday. And everyday I get another answer to that question when I hear from you.
With God anything is possible!
Some people ask me how I did it. But most of you wonder why did I do it. Why did I spend more than 12 years of my life working 20+ hours a day to build Veretekk? I ask myself this question everyday. And everyday I get another answer to that question when I hear from you.
When I first started out I had a vision that was bigger than me. A vision that eclipsed the sun. A vision I only saw a small part of, like an iceberg. Year after year I was blinded by the Lord as to the whole picture as I struggled to stay with it. I knew what I was doing was paramount in importance, but not until today did I start to realize what Veretekk is really all about.
You will find clues throughout the entire Veretekk system what this vision is about. You will see it's influence by looking at my partner Mike Darling. Mike caught this vision early on as I started building Veretekk. I am humbled to have Mike as my partner. I have always known that to achieve great things, surround yourself with great people. To say Mike Darling is a great man is an understatement. Having Mike as my partner over all these years has been an inspiration and confirmation that this quest was bigger than me and would have tremendous effect in this world gone mad.
Veretekk is a true test. Many have come and gone in this field of battle. Veretekk makes champions. Veretekk reveals the true inner strength. Many have quit because it was too hard with many giving up after a few months. However, many have returned and made the commitment to succeed and have done so.
Last year I rebuilt and re-launched our Sohomatic portal. The redesign was based on my intuition that the economy was under going a major shift with the threat of an impending recession on the horizon. We are also facing a major political shift as well. All of this fits right in with what Veretekk does. Talk about timing. I believe that Veretekk's greatness is about to explode with what we are seeing happening on a global scale.
So where are you in all of this? Do you have what it takes? What price are you willing to pay? I don't think many of you know what I sacrificed to build Veretekk. I leveraged my home. I lost my wife. I lost site in my right eye. I can't sleep at night from the ravages of sleep deprivation. I fought this battle with everything I have. I won a horrible divorce and custody of my children, during this period of time, not with an attorney, but with faith in God and love. I beat back bankruptcy with prayer and faith. It was NOT EASY. It never is! But with faith in God and the support and loyalty of many of you including my partner Mike Darling, we succeeded. Mike, I want to take a moment here to say, "Thank you so much for joining me in this. It wouldn't be Veretekk without you!"
Come join us on Sundays. Every Sunday conference is special. We always have something of value you can take from these meetings. Let's pack the house!
I have included the following video because it really illustrates the greatness in all of us. How often do you really push yourselves beyond your perceived abilities? Are you satisfied with the level of your achievements? I know I am but I also know I can still do better. I know we can all do better. During this time of uncertainty, it is even more important to re-dedicate ourselves to that pursuit. Roll up your sleeves and dig in. We built Veretekk for you. Now all you have to do is learn and apply with determination and discipline.
Seeing this video reminds how God got me to build Veretekk. Never did I see the finish line. God blindfolded me. I could see what I thought what was needed and it always looked like a few months away. It went on and I always thought maybe a few more months. With three years passed and still working 20-hour days I still only saw a few more months to go. Many nights I worked exhausted with tears of pain and despair dripping down my face and I continued on. I refused to quit. I had come so far. The pain got to be so great I resorted to writing poetry to help with the pain. At this point I knew I had come so far I could never quit. I resolved to die first then quit.
During this time my divorce was in full swing with false accusations being made against me left and right. My children were at risk. The best friend my wife ran off with also filed lawsuits against me. My attorney was not doing a good job, so with what additional time I had, I fought that divorce myself with the same determination as I built Veretekk.
I was accused of doing drugs. I was accused of all kinds of horrible things. I was under attack of my very life and freedom. The police showed up with search warrants and searched my home. The children protection agency searched my home and questioned me about doing drugs. The police investigated me for conspiracy to attempt to murder my wife. All false claims against me in all of this and I never gave up. I successfully defended against all of these attacks. I even won the custody of my wonderful children. I worked and built Veretekk with that vision that you needed this to survive the coming economic earthquake that is now looming before us.
I have poured every penny I could earn into this venture. I leveraged every dollar of equity in my home into this. And God has never left my side every step of the way. Were would I be today if I had quit? With no one to pick me up but God, quitting was never an option. I made a commitment to you 12 years to do this and today I look back and listen to the music of that time and read those many poems I wrote and I find the whole thing to be an inspiration to my love for Jesus. I finished building this Ark last year. I stand tall and strong in my conviction that with God and determination and a vision anything is possible!
This Sunday I will share the music that inspired me and the poems I wrote during the building of Veretekk. I will have my children with me too. I want all of you to understand that there is nothing you cannot achieve if you put everything you have in God's hands. You have to face your fears and put your faith in God that you can do it. It doesn't matter who you think you are. Veretekk is here. We are not going away. We are here to lift you up to greatness. We are the greatest hope on the Internet. We are family!
I resolve to give God everything I got, and leave the results up to Him. I want to know if you will join me. With God, all things are possible!
See you this Sunday!
Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.
CEO, Inc.
Are you aware of the coming economic shift?
The new Sohomatic is!!
The Sohomatic Site is here. Have you really looked at it?
The new Sohomatic is!!
The Sohomatic Site is here. Have you really looked at it?
An excerpt from Sohomatic:
The Middle class is being attacked!
The trend is firmly entrenched with the outsourcing of good paying jobs.
The Middle class is being attacked!
The trend is firmly entrenched with the outsourcing of good paying jobs.
White color jobs (IE: It services, software design, engineering, etc.), support and call centers, banks customer support, airlines phone sales counters, etc. going to India and other similar countries
Good paying blue caller jobs in the US are declining with manufacturing moving to China, Mexico and other countries.
At home jobs like construction, landscaping, farm labor, hotel services, etc. are being filled by illegal aliens.
So where does that leave us? In the middle fighting to maintain our life style.
Gas prices are soaring. The cost of living is on the rise. The value of the US dollar is dropping. Most of us in the middle class are burdened by crushing debt. And to make it worse we are being attacked from all sides!
We can blame ourselves. When was the last time you went shopping for clothes? Did you check the labels? Everything is from China, not the USA like it was not so long ago. And I bet you pay for everything with your credit cards.
Speaking of credit cards, we are guilty of buying ourselves into debt. This is part of the problem. Your home, your auto, your boat, etc. are all owned by the bank and you make payments every month from your shaky income to maintain this debt. By the way, if you own your home it is not an asset unless you are renting it out and not living in it, and if you are refinancing your home as the equity increases to pay off debt, you are following the fool's pursuit.
Even though the United States has the most advanced medical industry in the world, it is expensive and medical insurance for the average family of four is over $1000 over month. But nationalizing our health care is not the answer.
And you can bet that taxes will rise considerably if the Democrats take control the presidency as well as the house, and you are the one the taxes will rise for.
And as taxes rise you can also expect the local job market will shrink as well.
So what are you going to do?
The rich (anyone making over $500,000 per year) will hardly be effected. There is a reason for this.
The rich do things differently than the poor and middle class do, and you don't have to be rich to learn what they do, and by learning and applying this new mind set. you will find yourself gaining the same advantages they do and actually begin to build wealth instead of debt.
Find out why the rich pay far less taxes, how they make their money work for them instead of working for money. How they protect their assets and build additional wealth. When you discover these principle and apply them to your life, you will see your life and finances make a major turn for the better. When these principles are applied you will no longer fear for your job.
By joining Sohomatic, you will have access to this information and learn how to apply it to your particular situation. I have and here is an example of how I took a $1300 a month expense and turned it into profit. Several years ago I was paying $900 per month to finance my RV as well as another $400 a month to store it in covered storage in a nearby storage facility. I only use it 2 or 3 times a year. With this new mindset, I went out and found an RV rental store and discovered that they would store my RV for free and us it in their inventory of rentals. By doing this they split what they rent it out for with me. On the average I receive a check from them every month for $1500.00. I have turned that liability into an asset that makes me around $7000.00 per year and I still get to use the RV whenever I want to. I have taken that income and used it to pay the RV's mortgage down as well so my monthly mortgage on that RV is now below $500 per month. Plus I get to write off all the costs of the RV against my income when I pay taxes. Brilliant isn't it? Speaking of taxes, because I also own my own little business now, I have cut my taxes by more than %50!
Are you interested now? And there is no cost for joining. But the benefits are huge!
Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.
CEO, Inc.
Butch Hamilton Column
Vereconference™ Screen Casting
Screencastings are simply recorded sessions that are done inside a Vereconference web conferencing room.
Vereconference™ Screen Casting
Screencastings are simply recorded sessions that are done inside a Vereconference web conferencing room.
These recordings are extremely simply to accomplish, but more than that, they offer added value to any presentation that you are making out on the internet. The process, which does take time to learn, is as simple as purchasing your own Vereconference room, for just pennies per day, and pre-planning your presentations to look professional when you are through recording.
From that point, you will need to upload the six files made while doing the recording and host them on your own server. This too takes a while to master, but before long, you will become a master at screencasting. The vision that I have concerning screencasting is thinking outside the box. You must be committed to taking your online business to a new level, and in a different way that everyone else is attempting to do. You must become professional and dedicated in your approach, and move entirely away from your advertising and pitching mentality.
Here are some of the screencastings that I have done conerning blogging, Leadsomatic and Veretekk. I am going to be devoting more and more time as I clearly see the vision of where this can take my seo business. We are breaking new ground here folks, and its time to see the vision of what you can accomplish using Vereconference screencastings.
Leadsomatic Configuration
Veretekk Introduction Setup
Veretekk Introduction Setup
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
Butch Hamilton is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Veretraining Calendar.
Cindy McAsey Column
Vereconference™ Screen Casting
This is a personal invitation to join me for a special training on the NEW version 5 features of VereConference. There are so many new features to share! I've been playing with "Screen Casting" for the last few weeks and it's an awesome new addition to the already superior features of VereConference.
Vereconference™ Screen Casting
This is a personal invitation to join me for a special training on the NEW version 5 features of VereConference. There are so many new features to share! I've been playing with "Screen Casting" for the last few weeks and it's an awesome new addition to the already superior features of VereConference.
Would you like to have the ability to play DVD's in your web conference room for your team members and customers? Come to the training and I'll show you how.
WHAT: Special Training on VereConference Web Conferencing Rooms
WHEN: Monday Feburary 11,2008
WHERE: Vereconference Training Room (In the Veretraining Calendar)
WHEN: Monday Feburary 11,2008
WHERE: Vereconference Training Room (In the Veretraining Calendar)
The Flood Of Testimonials Continues...
Real People With Real Results!
Real People With Real Results!
I would like to thank my sponsor, Marilyn, for introducing me to Veretekk.
It is definitely a quality system with dedicated trainers and numerous tools to help us common folk to be successful in our Internet Marketing efforts. Thanks to Tom and other leaders of the company for an awesome system.
It is definitely a quality system with dedicated trainers and numerous tools to help us common folk to be successful in our Internet Marketing efforts. Thanks to Tom and other leaders of the company for an awesome system.
I am one of the lucky ones.
My sponsor turned me on to Veretekk almost the moment I began working online two years ago. He gave me some instruction and then turned me on to the Veretraining. It has been such a blessing. Veretekk is now and always has been my primary method of advertising and it works! Thanks Tom and all your staff for giving us so many resources in one place and the training to use them well!
I am one of the lucky ones.
My sponsor turned me on to Veretekk almost the moment I began working online two years ago. He gave me some instruction and then turned me on to the Veretraining. It has been such a blessing. Veretekk is now and always has been my primary method of advertising and it works! Thanks Tom and all your staff for giving us so many resources in one place and the training to use them well!
Vikki G
This is Incredible!
This site, what more do you want and how about the tracking, amazing.
This is Incredible!
This site, what more do you want and how about the tracking, amazing.
thank you.
Larry Acker
Larry Acker
There are thousands of individuals who have spent a fortune trying to start a home business, me included.
Without divulging my personal information, which my wife and I have agreed not to do, let me say that I have never made a dime on the net until I joined Veretekk.
There are thousands of individuals who have spent a fortune trying to start a home business, me included.
Without divulging my personal information, which my wife and I have agreed not to do, let me say that I have never made a dime on the net until I joined Veretekk.
Veretekk has helped me become a better online marketer, a more disciplined person, and has helped me get my own personal web sites to the top of the search engines. Although some of my sites are not done very well (my fault, not Veretekk's), I'm in the process of making the necessary changes, while still trying to keep my #1 rankings (not an easy task).
I learn something new everyday about the Internet and marketing on the net. I owe a lot to the Veretekk trainers, especially my beloved brother in Christ, John Vrouletis. I know a lot of individuals owe their success to the Veretekk system, Tom, Mike, and the trainers, not only because of the power of the system, but because of the way it helps shape our character.
I could have quit many times, but I stayed the course, sowed the seeds, and it started to pay off. Patience, perseverance, and dedication is what it takes to succeed online, and having the right tools, like Veretekk, makes it a lot easier to stay the course.
Thank you Tom, Mike, and the Veretekk trainers. I appreciate all you have done for me.
And thank you John. You will be forever missed, but never forgotten.
My Business has catapulted into space and time . . .
and I'm Not sure how I managed before I found this system And the funny thing is I only had a hand full of products.
My Business has catapulted into space and time . . .
and I'm Not sure how I managed before I found this system And the funny thing is I only had a hand full of products.
Now that I have ten times more products and services That I offer there is no turning back, seeing this thing In action is amazing, but the really kicker is how quickly You can get up to speed.
"Well Done Guys"
Mark Felix -
Mark Felix -
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Find out about it all - direct from the guys at the top! To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk™ system and go to Veretraining, then just click on the Conference room link. The web conference begins at 6pm PST on Sunday.
Veretekk™ State of the System Address
Sunday, February 10, 2008 6pm PST
Sunday, February 10, 2008 6pm PST
Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)
Want to become part of Veretekk and really learn how to achieve success from a SOHO business? Then visit and signup for free. See you on the Sunday night conference call!

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Constuction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours: M-F 9-6 CST
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Constuction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours: M-F 9-6 CST
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